Importance of GPS In Cameras: What You Need to Know About It

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  By Michael Moodie
Importance of GPS In Cameras: What You Need to Know About It

Like our phones, DSLR camera is becoming better and better. Improving on video and picture quality to now integrating things like WiFi and GPS. Throughout the years of doing photography, I have indeed thought about built in wifi capabilities with my camera, but it has never really come to mind to step it up a notch and also have a build in GPS system to Geotag my Images. It’s where crazy and amazing at the same time how far cameras have come from the stone age until now. In this article, I will be sharing with you some of the key things that benefitted me having a camera with built in GPS. I will also provide a short listing of some of the best cameras available on the market today with this feature built in. Just to warn you the price tags are a bit hefty because of the extra features it carries, but it’s worth the money.

1. Journal Entries

If you are a photographer like me who enjoy documenting their visits to different locations in the world, then this tool is a must have. Let’s think about being able to pinpoint exactly where you were along with time and date of when that picture was taken. If you haven’t noticed, Iphones are already doing it and go as far having face recognition to show me how many photos I’ve taken with one specific person or the photos they have been involved in. Needless to say, we need to step our game up to. This helps further to recollect memories and tell the story of how that day went where you took that exact picture and who knows, you now know all you need to make another visit again.

2. Travel Blogger

If you’re a travel blogger

, then that should mean you’re big on being in different locations and venturing into new things, which would then mean you like to share where you went along with the images you’re posting. You see where I’m going with this? Social media platforms now have features where you have the option of actually tagging the location for example on Instagram. Your viewers can then tap on this and not see exactly where you were but gives you a pretty rough estimate of the area you were in. This can actually now enable your friends and viewers to take a trip to wherever you were and experience for themselves too. So many times I found myself getting direct messages on Instagram and Snapchat asking “where is this?” until I got to a point where I got lazy to reply and just started providing the answers before they even got a chance to ask them. So in my estimate this a great travel blogging tool to have with you on your adventures.

3. Location Marketing

This can be called by extension helping tourism. As a someone from the Island of Jamaica, I’ve noticed a few times where I would tag my location while in my home country and get interaction from different individuals on my social media. Funny enough this is how it all works because I even do it when I’m visiting another country just to see the hot spots. This all brings us back to social media platforms where as on Instagram you have the freedom of entering a particular location that you’re going to be in or currently in and from there you will see all the other people who share the same location or in the vicinity of where you are. It’s a bit creepy but nonetheless, has its advantages for example during my visit to Orlando I was a bit lost as to where the cool kids or creatives like myself go for a cup of coffee or just some great food. Went over to Instagram and decided to search my location to see what would be the hip strips in Orlando to visit and it was through that, that I found some great coffee shops and restaurants that even today I can’t wait to pay another visit. GPS opens a whole new world of sharing opportunities and helping others, even though some might use it for the wrong reasons, in the creative sense it has been a great tool for those who explore and enjoy showing off where they’re from.

A camera I’ve seen and personally had the opportunity to use for canon that gets the job done is the Canon EOS 1D X Mark II. That camera is an absolute monster when it comes to GPS with a canon camera. On the other side of the table, the Nikon D5 get the job done too, fairly well like the Canon. Both carrying a price tag of just about $6,000. I know that must have had you on the edge of your seat a little, but they are both all worth the money.

I sincerely hope this article has helped or influenced you to dig deeper into the world of Cameras with built in GPS. Thank you for stopping by, until next time!

Rating: 3.00 based on 2 Ratings
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Michael Moodie is a Freelance Photographer and Photojournalist. He Enjoys Lifestyle Photography and Traveling while doing all things creative!

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