Tag: pets

How to take impressive photographs of pets

Taking photographs of your pet can prove to be as challenging as taking photographs of children. The cheerful nature of pets, as well as their seemingly endless urge to run around, are infectious and picture-worthy; however, when we attempt to capture that, we often find ourselves looking at blurry, unexciting results. Though capturing the temperaments of our furry companions can be difficult, it’s certainly not impossible. Here are a few tips on how to make the most of your pet’s disposition.

1. Positive associations

Show your pet that the camera is their friend – to do that, either attach their favourite toy to it (whilst making sure that your pet won’t harm your camera by attacking said toy), or reward them if they stand still for a photograph. They’ll quickly develop positive associations with your camera, giving you more time to find your best shot.


2. Playtime

If your pet is too restless for the first method, then playtime is the ideal opportunity to create fascinating images. Whether your pet enjoys running around independently, chasing a toy, or anything else that suits their desires, a countless amount of creative possibilities are available. Keep in mind that a few blurry photographs aren’t a reflection of your artistic skills – what determines your worth as a photographer is the amount of determination you possess to take that one great and memorable photo.

A faster shutter speed will capture your pet’s movements sharply and clearly. Take note that the faster the shutter speed is, the more light you need, and the higher your ISO should be. However, don’t be afraid of increasing the ISO; a small amount of added grain won’t ruin your images. On the contrary, it will give you more chances to photograph beautifully spontaneous moments. Don’t let shadows, unusual patches of light, or physical obstacles intimidate you; oftentimes, they end up adding unique elements to an image, creating something that is exclusively yours in style.



3. Resting time

Playtime isn’t the only way for you to take advantage of your pet’s good looks. If increasing your ISO and following your pet everywhere didn’t provide you with impressive images, don’t be discouraged; sleeping pets are equally fun – albeit far easier – to photograph. Many pets (especially cats, thanks to their elegant flexibility) have amusing ways of sleeping, which can help you have a fun and uncomplicated photo shoot. Such images are perfect for printing, sharing online, making someone smile, or selling to an enthusiastic animal-loving person.

If you want to enjoy your shooting session a little more, observe your pet before it falls asleep. Photographs of yawning pets can open many artistic doors for you, especially if you’re familiar with editing programs like Photoshop (i.e. adding objects like microphones or megaphones to the image to create something humorous out of a basic yawn). Photos of your pet stretching may give you similar opportunities. However, don’t let these tips limit you. The more you observe your pet, the more remarkable habits and peculiarities you’ll notice.



4. Use foregrounds

Neat and unornamented photographs of pets might seem attractive enough, but don’t let that prevent you from playing with blurred foregrounds. Whether you use a phone or a professional camera to take pictures, you can achieve this effect. Simply place any object in front of your lens and cover as much of it as you see fit. You can use toys, windows, or even your hands. Experiment with colours, shapes, and sizes. Outdoors, you can photograph through fences, gates, branches, flowers…the possibilities are endless. If you keep this in mind, you’ll find creative beauty in every detail, indoors or outdoors; look at this perspective as a variety of mouth-watering spices you’ve added to a simple meal in order to make it outstanding and uniquely yours.



5. Experiment with angles

Experiment with angles, and I don’t mean the type of photogenic facial angles we humans desperately crave. By angles I mean camera positions, especially striking ones. Animals have the natural tendency to look camera-ready from any angle, so you don’t need to worry about offending them by exposing a double chin or an unflattering expression. Combine this with the previous method and you’ll get a composition which exclusively focuses on your pet while adding a hint of colour or appealing light somewhere in the corner. Eye-catching!



6. Include people and other pets

If your pet isn’t comfortable being alone in front of the camera, photograph it with someone it knows and loves. Photos of pets communicating with humans and other pets alike can create warm memories which will last a lifetime. Regardless of your pet’s size or weight, you can come up with an idea that flawlessly captures the personalities of both your pet and the person – or animal – it’s interacting with. If you’re into self-portraiture, use a timer; many have blinking lights or beeping sounds which may capture your pet’s attention and create the perfect shot.

Again, don’t limit yourself to only one method of picture taking. If you don’t have a model or another pet, try adding your own elements to an image. This can add an interesting foreground, as well as a more affectionate feeling, to your image; for example, if you’re stroking your pet or giving it something to eat, take a moment to photograph the process. This will instantly give your image an attractive and friendly atmosphere. It will also reveal the relationship between you and your pet, allowing viewers to feel a natural warmth in your photographs.



From observing them while they play to watching them sleep, to witnessing their relationships with humans and other animals, there’s no end to photographic opportunities when it comes to your pets. Taking photos of them will not only provide you with impressive images, but it will also give you a chance to bond with them. Thus, both the process and the results will be enjoyable and memorable, creating a warm experience which you’ll cherish your whole life.


Good luck!

8 Ways to Improve Your Pet Photography

Whether you’re planning to photograph your own dog or cat or take on capturing someone else’s, it’s best to be prepared due to the unpredictable nature of animals. Depending on the personality of the particular pet, you may have to have some extra dedication to getting the perfect shot you want.

But, no matter if it’s just a hobby or you want to break out into the pet photography business, here are eight surefire tips to help you get amazing shots that really bring out the animal’s personality and turn them into your best friend on set.

1. Have a Goal in Mind

What type of shot are you hoping to capture? Are you aiming for a portrait shot with an empty background or an action shot? Do you want to include props or will the pet be dressed up at all? Planning ahead of time will take some of the stress off in the moment. Write down a shot list for the day and have an idea of how you can capture each one.


2. Bring Treats

There’s no better way to get an animal comfortable around you than through their stomach. Treats can be a great way to get someone else’s pet to come to you and relax, whereas you can use them with your own to practice tricks they may know. You can also use treats to lure them into positions or into a place that the background is less busy.

3. Get Comfortable

Animals are amazing at picking up on our feelings regardless if we’re outwardly showing them. Similar to when you shoot portraits with people, it’s best to allow your subject to get used to you first before the real magic will happen. Spend time in their environment and allow them to come to you first. This is especially true with cats that can be a bit more cautious of strangers.


4. Your Environment or Theirs?

Where you shoot will depend greatly on what your goal was as discussed in the beginning. If you’re photographing dogs, you’ll be able to capture them wherever their personality most shines. This may be best done in the home on the couch or out at the park with a Frisbee. With other animals that are stuck inside the home, it might be helpful to clean up and “decorate” an area of the home to add some visual interest in the photos.

5. Bring the Right Equipment

Most modern day cell phones are equipped with cameras. Even a point-and-shoot camera will be capable of producing decent quality images. Whatever you’re shooting with, it’s ideal to use a fast shutter speed or Sports mode to help reduce blur. Animals are quick and aren’t able to always sit still for the perfect shot, so you need to take steps to catch high energy moments.


If you’re shooting with a DSLR, a zoom lens might be another great addition. This will allow you to photograph animals that are a bit on the shy side and allow you to stay out of their personal space while still getting up close photos. Another personal favorite is using a prime lens such as an 85mm. These lenses are great for tight portrait shots that showcase the eyes and facial detail.

6. Try a New Angle

We generally look at our pets from above, giving them a very subservient feel, as they are much shorter than us. It can add a lot of visual interest to a photo to get down at their level and shoot there. You can even elevate them into a position of power by getting below them and shooting up, creating a larger than life perspective. Practice with different angles and what type of personality you want to represent in the photo.

7. Think About Your Lighting

As with any portraiture, your lighting plays the biggest role in the overall feel and quality of the end result. When shooting in the home, try to open the blinds and find a spot that has the most natural but diffused light. White curtains can be great for diffusing afternoon sun and can be the best place to photograph. Avoid dark rooms or bright overhead lights that have an orange haze.


If you are planning to shoot outdoors, avoid harsh afternoon sun and aim to shoot in the dawn or dusk hours. You can also move into the shade, which will naturally diffuse the sunlight but still bring out the color in their eyes.

8. Relax and Have Fun

Most important of all is to have fun with what you’re doing and relax. Smile, don’t be too loud or boisterous and let the magic unfold in front of you. When it comes to photographing pets, you may be in it for the long haul if you have a perfect composition in mind. Be prepared to adjust the shot list you originally started with and find special moments throughout the day.

Tips for Photographing Dogs

Dogs are simultaneously extremely fun and extremely difficult to photograph. They’re quick moving, unpredictable, and almost impossible to tell what to do. With any other portrait shoot you have ample time to plan, light, and pose until you get things right. When it comes to photographing dogs, your best tool might be your patience. However, here are a few tips to get you moving in the right direction and hopefully make your next doggy photoshoot more successful.

How to Take Pictures of Dogs

Get on Their Level

This is a technique used for kids as well as animals. Most subjects don’t look as interesting when shot from above and don’t properly represent their own environment. If you want to get the best photo of your dog, get down on their level. Don’t be afraid to get your knees dirty as you scoot across the ground and practice your yoga moves.


It’s best to use a lens that allows you to zoom in an out. This way you’re able to get up close face shots while you’re on their level but also zoom out to capture the same scenery that they’re seeing. With that being said, even standing up and getting great overall environment shots with your pooch in it can be interesting.

Photograph Dogs in Their Natural Environment

If you want to know how to photograph dogs, you need to be aware that dogs are animals that love to run, chase and play. For this reason, many dogs enjoy going outside for a walk or a game of catch. During your photography session, why not plan a trip to the local park? It is a great way to get the pet owner and the dog excited and stay busy. It’s a good idea to bring toys or props for the pet owner and their dog to play and run around. This will create lots of opportunities for action shots. Anticipate where the pet will run and lock the exposure beforehand. Doing so will help reduce the shutter lag and increase the number of keepers from your action shots. Using a camera with a high burst fps is a good idea when taking action shots. It will increase your chances of capturing the photo that you are looking for.

Shoot Like it is a Sport

Just like when you’re photographing cars or football players, dogs are fast movers that would rather chase a squirrel than sit pretty for the camera. Don’t be afraid to capture their tongue dangling out and ears flying.


You can shoot faster in several ways. Some cameras, including cell phones, will have a sports mode that raises the shutter speed and also takes several photos continuously. Turning your camera to sports mode and using a faster shutter speed will allow you to capture action without the picture being blurry. Even if some elements, such as the legs blur, the primary goal is to get the face in focus.

Know Their Personality

As with people, every dog is different. if you want to know how to take pictures of dogs, you need to know how to get to know them. If it’s not your own dog then be sure to ask the owner questions pertaining the dog’s personality. When are they the most or least energetic in the day? During what activities are they happiest? What is the goal of your photoshoot and what type of feeling of the animal are you trying to capture?

All of these questions are important to have answered before beginning your shoot. You wouldn’t take a lazy bulldog to a field of sheep and attempt to get images of it herding. If it’s possible, spend a “day in the life” with the owner and the dog. Follow them on their routine walk and capture moments of them together. This will allow the dog to become more comfortable with you being around and also the click of your camera.


Be sure to also bring some treats. Photo taking can be a great training activity as you or the owner practice Sit, Stay, and Lay Down. This can be a great chance for a dog to show off any special tricks they have as well. Ask if they know Play Dead, Roll Over, or Sitting Pretty. If it’s your own dog, this can be extra motivation to teach your dog some new moves in preparation for photos.

Photograph Dog Owners Interacting With Their Pet


What makes pet dog photography unique from other types of photography is the interaction between dog owners and their pets. The unique bond that exists between them creates a sense of loyalty, love, and friendship. Creating opportunities for photographing dog owners and their dogs is not as hard as it may seem. Dog owners will naturally want to spend time with their dog. Going on a jog with their dog, playing fetch or petting their dog are some simple yet highly satisfying actions that dog owners like to do with their dog. It is a good idea to ask the pet owner what they enjoy doing with their pet before the photo shoot or on the way to the location. Then when you run out of ideas, suggest that the pet owner do one of the things that the pet owner said they enjoy doing with their pet. Be sure to look out for the inevitable interactions between the pet owner and their dog between sessions too. These candid photos usually turn out great.

Play Dress Up


Pet owners love to dress up their animals. This is especially true of dog owners. There are even shops dedicated to selling clothing solely for dogs to wear in some cities! Ask the pet owner if they have any clothing that they have bought for their dog and to bring it along. Otherwise, accessories such as scarves, hats, or glasses can also do the trick. There’s room to experiment and have fun here, so don’t be afraid to try something new. Dressing up a pet dog is a great way to mix it up and bring some creativity to the photo shoot. Dog owners are often fond of personifying their pets through dressing them up.

Be Creative


Take advantage of your surroundings, any props at your disposal, and interesting compositional angles to mix it up! There are many ways to be creative on a photo shoot. Don’t forget to look around and see how you can incorporate your surroundings into your next shot. For example, if you are at a park with a playground – try to see if you can get the dog to sit in a swing or slide down the children’s slide. You never know how the dog will react. Dogs like the adrenaline rush and the feeling of the wind on their face. Capture that emotion on their face while they play. Either the photographer or the pet owner needs to engage the pet and keep him active and happy. The photos you capture will reflect the dog’s happiness.

Practice, Patience, and Persistence

Generally, dogs are happy creatures without a care in the world. But even the happiest individual has days that they don’t want to cooperate. Be prepared that you may struggle to get the perfect shot the first time, or even the 100th time that day. The best thing you can do is make the activity fun! Before you engage in photo taking, get out a rope and play tug or entice a game of fetch. Burning some energy may allow the dog to relax and sit still for a frame or two.


As with any subject, practice makes perfect. Take your own camera out daily to photograph activities with your dog. They will enjoy the extra attention that they’re getting from you and it will help build your confidence for when you photograph someone else’s pet.

Persistence throughout the day will award you with better shots. Don’t get discouraged if you want a more somber photo but the dog just wants to run. Let them burn off the energy, capture a few action photos, and then wait for a moment of rest to compose the shot you want.

Dogs are a joy to spend time with and photographing them shouldn’t be a chore. Although their fast movements can be difficult, it can also help you grow as a photographer and push you to better understand how to use your capture to freeze action moments. Practice, practice, practice!

Happy shooting!

High Energy Photoshoots: Pets and Children

Everyone loves pets, and everyone loves children. Photographers can get some wonderful pictures of children and pets, but it is often difficult to get the right circumstances where the pets and children behave the way you want them to for the photoshoot. They have a lot of energy, short attention spans, and it can push you to your limits to get the photo, but it isn’t impossible if you just have some patience and a few tricks up your sleeve. Here are some good tips for you to get the best photos of pets and children.

Understand the Challenges

There are going to be several challenges when you photograph children and pets. Understanding these challenges will ensure you get the photos you want.


First, respond to the personality of your model. That’s not only for a child, but the pet as well. You can do this with an individual child, or with a group of children. Let them be children, and let them act naturally for the photo. The best photos of children are they ones where you can really see what they’re like, when you really capture their personality. Same with pets.

Second, you are going to be dealing with fast moving subjects and that means you need to be very quick on your feet.

Lastly, it can be hard for the kids to stay in one spot when you want to take advantage of certain light. Natural lighting is really what you want to go for when photographing children and pets playing.


Have Fun

When you are photographing children or pets for portraits, have fun with it. Understand that they are not going to act how you want them to act. They are going to act how they want to act, so you need to take advantage of that. If the child, or children, have a lot of energy and want to run around and play, then take them outside and get photos of them climbing trees, playing in leaves, running around a field. All of this can make for wonderful, and relaxed, photos that a family will cherish for many years to come.


With pets, you can follow the same mentality. If you are photographing cats, then let them play. Give them some cat nip, work to make them interact with each other using toys and strings. With dog photography, it is much easier as the dog is very eager to please. They will want to do the things you want them to do. Have them sit and stay and capture the picture. You can throw a ball outside, or into water, and get those pictures that show the dog having the time of its life.

Don’t Expect Boredom

What I mean by this is that you should not expect that the children are just going to stand around, or the dogs and cats won’t just sit there and not move. Well, maybe the cats won’t move. You should expect a lot of energy and you should expect that the children and pets don’t want to be bored. In that regard, because of the high energy, make sure you capture everything with a fast shutter speed. Make sure there is a lot of light around you as well. Natural light will be the best for pictures, so being outside is a good option if you want to get the best photos of your pets and children models. If you have to take pictures in the studio, then make sure that you have plenty of light to work with.


Think Outside the Box

When you are getting the photos, especially of pets, then think outside the box. Don’t just have the dogs sit and pose, have them take a bath and shake. Have them photographed soaking wet, or running after a ball, or playing with their favorite toy. With cats, have them play with string instead of just lay on the ground, or have them interact with other cats. If they are just laying around, then make a sudden noise to get their attention and have them look directly at the camera. There are so many options for creating some really great and interesting photos of pets.


We love our pets and we love our children and some see their pets as their children. Help preserve the memories of your dearest ones through amazing photoshoots that capture the high energy and unique personalities of the models.