Tag: parks

5 Tips to Photograph Parks at Night

Some of the most spectacular scenes you can capture at night will be in parks. We’re not just talking about city parks here, although they can be quite remarkable. Visit National Parks, with their incredibly expansive skies dotted with stars, or check out amusement parks, where you can find bright lights, vibrant colors, and thrilling movement.

While these locations will definitely provide you with some exciting subject matter, you won’t get the results you’re looking for unless you follow a few tips, especially if it’s your first time out. To shoot in these places in lower-light settings, you’ll need a more advanced camera, a solid wide-angle lens with a fast aperture, and a tripod.

With your gear packed and your location scouted, head out and capture some of the most incredible night photography you’ll ever take – by keeping these tricks in mind.

1. Get Your Timing Right

The best time to shoot at night is about a half hour after the sun has slipped below the horizon. You’ll hopefully still be able to capture a bit of afterglow in the sky, but it will be plenty dark to highlight the artificial light in an amusement park. If you’re shooting at a National Park, you’ll have just enough light left to keep some of the details in your landscape and whatever foreground elements you’ve included in your composition.

amusement park night photo

You’ll still be able to get some impressive shots after that vibrant glow is gone, though. The lights on the carnival rides will pop against a velvety black background, and in National Parks, you’ll start to be able to capture the detail in the stars.

2. Adjust Your ISO and Shutter Speed

Increasing your camera’s sensitivity to light will help you accurately capture the details in low light settings, so dial up your ISO to 400 or more. This will depend on the capabilities of your specific camera, as you don’t want to push your sensor to the point where you start seeing a lot of noise.

national park night photography

You’ll also want to switch up your shutter speeds. Using a longer exposure time will allow you to capture some movement, but you’ll need to use a tripod and make sure you’re not jostling the camera when you release the shutter. The goal here is to keep static elements of your composition clear while letting the moving parts blur into a colorful, eye-catching pattern.

3. Try Your Camera’s Timelapse Mode

Since night shooting can be somewhat unpredictable, this is a great opportunity to experiment with your camera’s time-lapse feature. This means your camera will automatically expose a frame every four seconds or so, and you’ll wind up with a very unique selection of different blurs, colors, and compositions.

amusement park blurred motion

This is similar to shooting video in that you’ll have a somewhat ongoing record of the scene, but this way, you’ll end up with a series of full-frame stills, instead of a full recording. This gives you some really interesting results that you can play with later, in post-processing.

4. Don’t Rely on Autofocus

Focusing is an issue at night since it’s hard to see the subject of your photo when there’s very little available light. Autofocus is especially unreliable, so you’ll need to get familiar with the manual focusing ring on your lens. You can also use Live View, if your camera allows it, to have a larger screen to work with as you try to focus your lens.

city park night photo

Try using a lens with a wide aperture, so the depth of field shouldn’t be an issue. You want as much of the park scene to be in focus as possible. Try to find areas where some of the ambient light hits your subject, to create a bit of contrast where you can aim your focus.

5. Composition Matters

Even when you’re shooting in the dark, it’s important to carefully compose each frame. As you would with any other landscape, try to include elements to provide a sense of depth – leading lines, foreground interest, and as much detail as possible.

It’s easy to let the star of the image be the lights from the amusement park or the sparkling stars in the night sky at one of the many National Parks around the world. But if you want to create a truly eye-catching, dynamic shot, you’ll need to be sure that there is more going on than just these special features.

composition night photography

Now that you’ve got some ideas in mind to help get you started photographing parks during the night, get out and start looking for some dynamic compositions. Remember that trial and error is one of the best ways to help teach yourself more about photography – so don’t be afraid to get brave and try some new things. With digital files to work with, you’ve got nothing to lose!

Barcelona: A Walkthrough Around The Parks

Today I want to take you to visit some parks in Barcelona. This wonderful city has numerous parks that allow you to connect with nature and have a break from bricks and cars. Some of the parks are extremely well known, but others are almost not visited by tourists. You can check a list of parks in the website of Barcelona area. I am going to show you 4 parks from Barcelona and one from the suburbs that I think you will find interesting for both nature and architectural photography.

Barcelona parks
You will be surprised of what you might find in Barcelona’s parks.

Ciutadella Park

Ciutadella Park, together with the Park Guell, are the two parks that are more visited in Barcelona. There is a reason for that! Ciutadella Park is the perfect place to disconnect from the city and enjoy some good time outdoors.  It is located in the Old City. The name of this park comes from the huge citadel that was built there by Felipe V after the falling of Barcelona during the War of the Spanish Succession. This citadel was used to keep the Catalan population under the control of the Spanish King, so it was a really hated place. Luckily, the citadel was destroyed and thanks to the 1888 Barcelona Universal Exposition, the Ciutadella Park was built instead. Some of the buildings of this Exposition have been kept until today. One is the neo-gothic “Castillo de los tres dragones (Castle of the three dragons) that started as a restaurant and now is the Museum of Zoology. Other building is the Hibernaculum.

Barcelona parks
Castillo de los tres dragones (Castle of the trhee dragons), today the Museum of Zoology.


Barcelona parks

You can also find a lake and a waterfall. You can’t miss the photo of the real size Mammoth that was built also for the Universal Exhibition. All Barcelonians have a photo taken with the Mammoth, so you will need to have one too!

Barcelona parks
The park has a wonderful waterfall where you can practice long exposure photography in order to make the water look silky.


Barcelona parks
If you visit the Ciutadella park you need to look for the real size Mammoth that was built during the Universal Exhibition. There are lines to have a photo taken with this sculpture!

Tip: The Park is really busy on the weekends. People like to go to have a walk, run or just to lie on the grass. Keep this in mind when you plan your visit because this can influence your type of photography for the day. If you like nature photography, try to go to the park on the week mornings. If you like people photography, the weekend will be perfect for you.

Barcelona parks
On the weekends the park can be really crowded. Keep it in mind when you plan your photography trips.


Barcelona parks
You can practice your portrait/street photography in the park.

Estacio del Nord Park

This park is called Estacio del Nord (North Station Park) because it is located next to the old train station with this name. Although it is really close to the Ciutadella Park, it is ignored by tourists. I particularly like it because it is the only park in Barcelona considered as land art, an architectural trend from the 60s whose objective was to unite nature with art. In this park the art is based on ceramic structures, one of them called “The fallen sky”.

Barcelona parks
The “Falling sky” is made with ceramics

Clot Park

Clot Park is located in Sant Marti neighborhood and, contrary to the Ciutadella Park, it is rarely visited by tourists. The particularity of this park is that it keeps the old facades from the old train workshop that was located there in the past. Now these facades look like aqueducts and are totally integrated in the park.

Barcelona parks
Clot Park shows a combination of old and new

Tip: from this park you can have a different perspective of the Agbar building, that has a pretty original shape.

Barcelona parks
The Agbar building has a quite singular shape

Pedralbes gardens

This park is one of the most elegant park in Barcelona. The calm you can enjoy in these gardens contrast with is location: the busy Diagonal street, pretty close to the Camp Nou (Barça Football stadium.  If you are a nature photographer you will love these park because you will find there several interesting species, including centennial Himalaya Cedar tree (Cedrus deodora) and even a little bamboo corner. If you are more into art, the gardens are full of interesting sculptures. There is also a quite photogenic palace.

Barcelona parks
Pedralbes park is calm although it is located in a really busy part of the city.


Barcelona parks
Centennial Himalaya Cedar tree (Cedrus deodora).


Barcelona parks
Mediterrania, a sculpture from Eulalia Fabregas de Sentmenat (1962).

Can Mercader: a park in Barcelona suburbs

There are a lot of interesting parks in Barcelona suburbs, but today I want to show you one located in Cornella de Llobreagat. You can come from Barcelona either by car or by public transport (Almeda stop in the trains called Ferrocarrils). Tourists rarely get so far. This park is full of centenary trees. Once there you will see that the park even has a botanic route that takes you to see the most interesting ones. The park has also a lake and a palace and it is a wonderful place to sit and relax.

Barcelona parks
This is the entry to Can Merdader Park


The park is really proud of one of its Honey locust trees (Gleditsia triacanthos). It has 103 years old. It was planted when the gardens were built. It is a tree with a lot of History!

Tip: if you like to take photos of local products, visit the park on Sunday mornings because there is a little food market that day.

I hope you like the parks I show you today as much as I do.  Feel free to contact me with any question about the parks or if you have any problem finding information about them (as I told you some information is not available in English, but I can help you with that).  Have a happy shooting!!!