How To Work With Maple and Pinecones Autumn Lightroom Workflow

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  By Jordan Younce
How To Work With Maple and Pinecones Autumn Lightroom Workflow

In this tutorial, I will show you the new Sleeklens’ Maple and Pinecones Autumn Lightroom Workflow. This is one of the best presets released for Lightroom and I will show you how to use it to edit your photos. You can learn more about the presets and brushes by visiting and even order them to try them for yourself.

I will edit a photo using the presets and brushes that comes with the collection. The image is already a great autumn-feeling photo but I would want to intensify it a little bit. I would like to intensify it a little bit such that it’ll scream autumn at anyone who sees it.
The first thing you should do is make sure that your presets and brushes are loaded in Lightroom and once this is done, you can expand your “Maple and Pinecones Autumn Lightroom Workflow” so can access the different presets you can use to edit your photos. As you scroll down, you will be able to see from the preview which effects will be applied to your images when you pick any of the presets.

To edit this image, I will first use the M&P| 2-Tone Basic Autumn Colors. This is may not be what you use in your edits but I have picked it for the purposes of this tutorial and photo. This preset applies some cool yellows, oranges, and reds and this is what makes this photo perfect for autumn.

In fact, I could stop here but I would like to put a couple of things here to make it pop out even more. I would like to intensify the light and there is a light preset which I can use to achieve that. I will scroll down and choose the M&P| 6 – l Light – Middle Sunlight (there is also Middle Sunlight and the different positional options allow you to highlight one the different parts of the image. For example, if you choose M&P |6 – Light – Left Sunlight, you’ll see the bright spot appears on the left side of the image and that’s what this is all about).

Since our sun is closer to the middle of the image, I will choose M&P| 6 – l Light – Middle Sunlight. You can see that this puts the bright area a little bit far from the sun but we can change this using the Radial Filter Tool. Clicking on the tool gives us a node which we can move around and it changes as I move it around. If I want to intensify it a little bit more than it already is, I can take the exposure up or decrease it depending on what you want to do.

I will bump it up and then click done. This gives us a fantastic photo and everything is bursting out of it, the reflections are superb and the shadows are also great. But I would like to intensify the shadows a little bit more and this I will do by using a brush. I will go to the brushes and click new. This will give me a number of options and I will pick the M&A| Enhance Detail and then take it down a little bit more and then paint the bottom part. This darkens the shadows a little bit but I will take the shadows down just to touch more. The lines that give the shadows from the sun and the trees are clearly visible.

Looking at the “Before and after” clearly shows you the difference our edits have made. You can easily work on your photos quickly and in a few simple steps and you’ll have superb photos which you can give to your customers.
You can also look at different tutorials we have made or check our Lightroom Presets and Photoshop Actions by clicking on the different tabs at the home page.

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Jordan Younce

I am a Real Estate and Landscape photography as well as a Graphic Designer based in North Carolina, USA. My passion for photography started with taking photos with a point-and-shoot and now I own a successful photography business. My goal is to help others learn the art of photography, develop their creative side and just have fun.

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