Going Professional – Maintaining a Social Media Presence

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  By Jonathan Ma
Going Professional – Maintaining a Social Media Presence www.sleeklens.com

Today more than ever, social media has become nearly synonymous with the term “marketing”. It is nigh impossible to market without using some form of social media. The most successful business marketing plans are the ones that know how to maintain their online presence on social media. This includes social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and blogging sites. Being active in social media builds trustworthiness with potential clients and provides a way for you to express your ideas to them.

Scheduling Posts

Have you ever had someone post too often on your media feed? They appear every day on your feed, sometimes two or three times more than any other person. Frequent posters are often ignored or worse, blocked. A great solution is to schedule your posts instead of submitting the content as you write them. Scheduling posts let you control the amount of time between posts. Another benefit of this tactic is that frequent reminders help potential and existing clients to remember your name and your business better. There are lots of different types of software that enable you to schedule posts which can be found by Googling, “how schedule posts on [name of social media platform]”. There are free as well as paid options, depending on what features you need.

Setup Analytics

Now you may be asking, what does analytics have anything to do with social media? Analytics help business owners to be more efficient with their efforts to maintain an online presence. For example, analytics software will help you to see which topics your viewers like to see most. Maybe it’s wedding photography. Or it could be macro photography. Whatever it is, it’ll help you immensely by having this information. Instead of posting 10 submissions a month about 10 different topics, maybe you can lower that down to 6 or 7 about 2-3 of the most popular topics. By reducing the workload and submitting content better suited for your audience, this helps project a better image for your business. Businesses that specialize in a particular industry or segment of the market usually have an advantage over those that don’t.

Analytics can be set up on your website, for your blog, Instagram, Facebook, or other social media. They also help you to see patterns or trends over time. This lets you adapt your marketing approach and style. It keeps you updated with the latest information regarding your viewers’ interests. Social media experts have long used analytics software to optimize their social media accounts. Why not try it for 3 months and see if it makes a difference in your marketing strategy? You may find even more unexpected benefits than the ones discussed in this article.

Network With Other Professionals

In the photography industry, clients often have to hire more than just a photographer. For example, wedding clients require many different vendors and services. They may hire a wedding planner, rent out a wedding venue, hire hairstylists and make-up artists, a photographer, a videographer, and maybe even a DJ. By networking with these vendors and businesses on social media, it will help extend your social media presence to other relevant accounts and increase your exposure. Increased exposure helps you to find new potential clients and increase your market potential. Meeting other professionals in person is the best way to establish a relationship with them. Social media interactions can help you to stay connected with them. There are many benefits to networking. By referring potential clients their way, they won’t even think twice about sending potential clients your way. It’s a symbiotic relationship which means it’s a win-win for everyone.

Post on Multiple Social Media Accounts at Once

Another tool that will help you to maintain a social media presence is using software that enables you to post to multiple social media accounts at the same time. Social media management platforms such as Buffer can help you to achieve this very goal. The setup may take some time, but connecting all of your social accounts into one management platform can save a TON of time. Imagine only having to log in once and being able to post to every social media account you own with the click of one submit button. That’s the power of a social media management platform.

Happy marketing!


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Jonathan Ma

Jonathan Ma is a freelance writer and professional photographer. He grew up in the beautiful Pacific Northwest of the United States. The natural beauty that surrounds this area has helped him to learn to appreciate art and photography. Jonathan's favorite styles of photography are nature and sports photography. He enjoys learning and teaching others what he knows.

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