This video is intended to teach how to edit your photos using the A Winter’s Tale Presets. This comes from the recipe guide that comes when you order your presets from Each collection comes with a recipe guide that is very great to jumpstart your creativity by giving you some examples you can use and in this particular one we will concentrate on the “before and after” photos provided here. It lists out the exact number of presets that you need and the correct brushes that you need to get a very similar picture to this.
To get started, the first thing you need to have is your photo and then open the Winter’s Tale Presets. The first presets we will apply the “All-in-one Winter Light Preset”. So, we scroll down to the all in one – winter light, click the effect. It gives you the option to take the contrast to +26, and I will pump that down. The next thing that we need to do is the ‘A Winter’s Tale – Let it Snow’ horizontal snowflakes. Just scroll down and just click on it and you’ll see it gives you snowflakes effects.
With that done, we go down to Winter Tale tones – Creamy highlight. Then head to Post Process add soft blur (Temp -5). You can see that by doing some simple presets, the photo becomes fantastic. We will then apply some brushes by going to Brush Icon, go to effect and choose Winter’s Tale light to brighten brush and take the exposure down to around +0.19 and this gives a brush that I can use to brighten some of the areas that need some more light.
I don’t have to apply the brushes, but it works great. On the recipe guide, it says to use another brush on eyes in the photo to give it a little bit more effects. Given that in this photo the eyes are closed, I will not apply the brush, but you can see that just by doing those little edits, it makes the photos stand out, really gives cozy colors and becomes a great picture.
That is how you do one of the effects in the recipe guide for the Winter’s Tales Presets. If you enjoyed this short tutorial, you could visit for more tutorials, Lightroom Workflows and Photoshop Actions to help with your post processing editing work.
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