Tag: wedding etiquette

Wedding photography Etiquette: Dress Code

Figuring out what to wear to a wedding is a timeless question. However, in the wedding service community, there are certain degrees of professionalism which are required. We look for our service providers to be polished and put together when we seek them out and so will your client. From your first meeting with them to the day of the wedding, your presentation is key. A strict set of rules won’t work as different events call for different dress codes, but a few basic guidelines to follow when dressing yourselves will go a long way.IMG_4028

Ladies: My first rule is do not ever wear heels when you’re shooting a wedding. The amount of time you spend on your feet will surely leave you limping by the end night. Find something with sole support and aesthetic like a nice pair of Oxfords or some lovely boots- professional and comfortable.

That being said, always go with the pants. Not jeans or leggings, pants. You never know when a wedding may call you to get creative by getting low or laying in the grass, in which case a skirt or dress just won’t do. Find yourself a nice pair of pants whether they be skinny or straight, just make sure they’re fitted, durable and flexible.

Do not worry yourselves with too many accessories. A necklace will surely get caught up in your camera straps and a hat will surely get bumped or blown off. Keep it simple with some nice earrings or loose bracelets.


Lastly, whether you’re shooting in the winter or summertime, I always recommend short or adjustable sleeves. Even in the winter, those venues can get steamy as guests pack in so I always recommend button ups. They always look classy but allow you the option of unbuttoning or rolling up your sleeves for comfort. T shirts, hoodies and zip ups are too casual and inappropriate for the occasion.

Now, why is this so important? You’re not only giving out an impression to your client, but also for their guests and other service providers in this wedding. The image of how put together, you looked during the wedding speaks volumes when your client thinks to recommend you to a friend later, or if the catering company remembers you and suggests you to one of their clients.  We have proven to be a very visual society and because of that, it is undeniably important to look the part of the professional photographer.


I’m sure you think you have it easy. Just throw on a suit and tie, right? You’re going to regret wearing all those layers and will have surely lost your jacket by the end of the night if you do that. It will also be pretty hard to distinguish yourself between wedding guests.

Keep it simple. A nice pair of shoes like Oxfords will do the job, no need for those shiny black shoes.

I suggest a nice dark pant made out of something that doesn’t wrinkle like these.


Fitted and stylish, you’ll definitely look the part of the photographer. However, they allow you the flexibility and freedom to move as needed without the risk of wrinkles. That being said, a casual button down pairs very nicely with this. Again, nothing heavy or made of wrinkly material. While your appearance is important so is comfort to so find clothing that breathes and moves with you!

However, every event is different. Some clients may request you to dress a certain way to fit the theme of their wedding, whether that be fancy or casual. You might even be working certain venues that request the wedding service providers to dress within a certain code. Gauge those as they come, but keep these guidelines in mind for the weddings that you won’t be asked. Most clients won’t even think about it, but showing up to work looking put together assures the client that you are taking your job seriously.


Dressing well is also important when working as a second shooter! Make sure your customer service skills and professional demeanor match your appearance as I assure you, other photographers look.

Hope this helps and happy shooting, y’all!