The Complete Photographer Photoshop Course for Beginners

bg Easy
bg 25 videos
bg 5 hours
bg Downloads

Adobe Photoshop can be very intimidating when you first start editing. Many beginners look at the Photoshop interface and quickly turn back to Lightroom for their editing since it seems to be a bit easier to understand. In reality, Photoshop can be difficult at first but once you learn all of the tools and how it is laid out, you will quickly see why it is a treasured tool for any photographer. This is why we have created the Photoshop for Photographers Video Course – the most comprehensive Photoshop for Beginners Course on the market.

This complete Photoshop for beginners guide isn’t just a course that shows you the tools in Photoshop and what they can do but it is specifically designed for photographers and the typical situations they may run in to. Not only will you learn the popular tools and the understanding of when and how to use them but you will also see tons of real-world examples showing many different situations that might be difficult for beginning Photoshop users.

Through this course, you will learn all of the major editing tools and the different ways to edit your photos. You will see how to edit your photos in Camera Raw and Photoshop, learn all of the basic tools, when and how to use layers, Photoshop brush basics, popular and useful filters, adding special effects to your photos like rain and snow, simple Photoshop compositing techniques and a complete portrait retouching workflow. By the end of this course, you will know everything you need to start creating amazing photos using one of the worlds most popular tools used by many professional photographers. (Check out Our Photoshop actions collections to see some results)

Do you have any other questions regarding our photography courses? Please refer to our FAQ page.

You will learn:
bg Editing in Camera RAW
bg Editing in Photoshop
bg Adding Special Effects
bg Selections
bg Blending Modes
bg Working with Actions
bg Filters
bg Smart Objects
bg Basic Adjustments
bg Working with Layers
bg Portrait Retouching
bg Distortion Removal
bg Interface Overview
bg Creating HDR
bg Round Tripping
bg Liquify Tool
bg Creating Panoramas
bg Compositing Basics

In this first section, we will cover the main differences between Adobe Lightroom, Photoshop, and Camera RAW so you will understand the strengths and weaknesses of each program.

Editing In Camera Raw

These video are all about editing your photos in Camera Raw. We will walk though the interface then show you a complete edit, start to finish.

Editing in Photoshop

We will cover everything you need to know to get started in Photoshop. From working with layers, selection, blending modes, and content-aware, you will learn all of the basics for photographers starting in Photoshop.

Photoshop Brushes

In this section we will cover all the basics of using brushes as well as showing all of the customization available. We also show you how to create your own custom snow brush to use on your photos.

Photoshop Filters

Here we will show you the creative filters built into Photoshop as well as some other useful filters for photographers.

Other Useful Tools

This section covers a selection of useful tools and features for photographers who want to start in Photoshop. We will cover everything from creating an HDR image, to round tripping from Lightroom into Photoshop.

Complete Guides

These guides are meant to help show you a complete walkthrough of different situations. We will cover compositing, portrait retouching, adding special effects, and removing unwanted objects from your photos in many different ways.

Reviews for The Complete Photographer Photoshop Course for Beginners
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Verified buyer

It took me one day to fully complete this course, as I did a lot of practice between the lessons. The best part was to stream it via my tablet and have the screen ready to practice the effects. Thanks Jordan, thanks to you I can use Photoshop today!

Verified buyer

This product is great!

Verified buyer

I completed the course in about 6-7 hours. It was really good. The videos are easy to follow, and easy to stop and start if you want to make notes. It covers all of the basic areas, and I liked how it separated which tools you will probably favor more if you are into photography, rather than graphic design. All in all, a great course for a beginner to Photoshop. Oh, and it was great to see a section on how to use it in conjunction with Lightroom which I use for all my database and basic editing. Much thanks for putting this together. It was well worth the cost. ;-)

Verified buyer

Simple and solid teaching and instruction! So many videos and great lessons. Worth it.

Verified buyer

This is a great course to start with to learn how to use Photoshop. From the basics to learning some other advanced features. Recommended for beginners.

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